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    Get Up... Make A Move.

    Hi fellas! How do you all do today. Hope you all had a great day today. My sunday was not bad at all as I look forward to what the week has ahead for me.

    Sunday being the beginning of the week has so much in it, people tend to visit their loved ones and go out and if possible rest for the start of the week.
    I did well to rest and sleep earlier, then I woke up later but it was already very late and deep in the night. I enjoy it though as I played and listened to some cool music while working.
    So I thought to myself at this point and wondered about so many things too. One of them was that, things never happen until you make a move!

    Well everyone has got dreams, some people's dreams can build bridges that would never fall in years and years to come but their one problem has always been not making an effort to move forward.
    Often time, we expect good things. We want the best of job, houses, opportunities and so on but we do not make a move or try to take any decision to step ahead.
    You think you can stay in a container called home and a good job will walk up to you. You think you would be busy whinning away meaningful times with friends and still think that good opportunities will knock. My friend wake up and open your eyes.
    For anyone who does not plan well plans to fail. If you do not plan to be successful then you plan fo beg. Life has never been a bed of roses, nothing happens with your hands folded upon your chest.

    Forget fear; be bold!

    Fear is a tool that makes a productive plan seem like a joke. Fear keeps telling you that you are incapable and that you will be laughed at. BTW, who told you that being laughed at means that you are anything less?
    Truth is if you consider all these things a lot, am sure you are bound to remain in one place for a very long period of time you begin to get worried for yourself.

    Make a move, just try something

    Tell yourself that you have nothing to lose if you try but everything to lose if don't. It would really not cost you much to try something new, but it might cost you so much if out of fear you abscond from doing something and you turn back blaming yourself for not following your heart just because of fear.

    The three Ts!

    • Try new stuffs and be happy you did.
    • Trust in yourself and believe you can do it.
    • Test yourself and see what you can and can't do.


    I have never heard that anyone who did not make an effort is making it big. All you need to do is make a move. Take a step further and what what happens. Its true things might not come as you expect but remain hopeful and never give up.